L-glutamine, a supplement that may lower blood sugar and improve gut health, has four advantages.

strengthens intestinal health According to Michels, L-glutamine is helpful for all types of digestive conditions. "The primary location of glutamine metabolism and a significant source of energy for gut mucosa cells are in the mucosa.

Supplementing with glutamine has been shown to lessen diarrhea symptoms, regulate intestinal mucus production, and minimize intestinal permeability."

increases muscular mass According to Michels, muscular tissue is a significant location of glutamine synthesis, where it encourages muscle development.

However, glutamine levels decline after a strenuous activity. "It has been discovered that supplementing with glutamine speeds up post-workout recovery."

favors immune system health According to Michels, glutamine is highly used in a variety of immunological processes, such as T-cell proliferation and B-cell differentiation. 

helps with blood sugar control According to Michels, supplementing with glutamine has been shown to increase glucagon-like peptide-1 secretions, which help to regulate blood sugar and satiety.