Five nutritious lunchtime snacks that keep you from being "overhungry"

fruits with cheese or nut butter According to Leon, combining your favorite fruit with any nut butter or cheese, such as apple slices with peanut butter or berries with cottage cheese, may be a terrific source of protein to sate your mid-afternoon appetite.

seeds or nuts Nuts and seeds have two main advantages: they are high in protein, and they fit within or on top of practically any desk with ease.

granola bars Snack bars are convenient snacks that you may grab as you travel out the door or from the kitchen to your home office. They don't go bad as soon as other meals, says Leon, so you may keep them in your desk for a long.

bread or veggies and hummus According to Leon, serving hummus with veggies or bread-based items like crackers or pita bread may provide a tasty mix of fiber, protein, and heart-healthy fats.

Water Sometimes, your brain or stomach may tell you that you are hungry when all you really need is some water, according to Snodgrass. 

To determine if your body is signaling hunger or thirst, she advises having water at your desk and sipping on it before getting up to obtain a food.