Life-Extending Habits

Wanna live longer? But not with fashionable diets and magic medications. If you hope good luck would assist, you could be lucky, but healthy lifestyle choices can lengthen your longevity

According to doctors, there are various easy techniques to lengthen your life, so read on for five daily habits and don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had COVID

10,000 steps a day. The Great Age Reboot author Dr. Michael Roizen adds, "Walk or perform other activities to get 10,000 steps a day. Being active activates genes that keep your brain and body youthful.

 Focus on health, not weight loss. Alicia Jones says, "Health first! Absolutely. The body changes with age, which is why many women don't bother becoming "bikini ready" 

Own a pet. "Adopt a dog or cat. Pets provide owners delight, say owners. And more. Dog and cat ownership is connected to a decreased risk of death, perhaps owing to reduced cardiovascular mortality

 Eat chocolate weekly. While daily candy bars aren't the way to go, enjoying a little mouthful (less than one serving) of chocolate per week may enhance lifespan. It's better to have it than not.