The Risks of Abdominal Fat, According to Science

Having abdominal fat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by making it harder for the body to digest sugar. The intestines are encircled and compressed by visceral fat, which interferes with digestion and raises the risk of colon cancer.

What Does Excess Abdominal Fat Mean? According to Dr. Mitchell, "A straightforward waist measurement is used to calculate abdominal fat. For males, a waist measurement of 40 inches or greater is excessive. Women are deemed to have an excessively large waist when it measures 35 inches or more.

What Must People Understand Regarding Abdominal Fat? Get adequate protein and stay away from processed meals and sweetened drinks. Regular exercise is also crucial for calorie burning and weight loss. Abdominal fat may be lost by engaging in cardio exercises like swimming, running, and walking.

Heart Condition As stated by Dr. Mitchell, "Your risk of heart disease rises if you have abdominal fat. For instance, having excess belly fat greatly raises your risk of heart disease. This kind of fat, sometimes referred to as visceral fat, surrounds your organs and poses a particular risk to the health of your heart.

Diabetes According to Dr. Mitchell, having extra belly fat raises your risk of developing diabetes for a number of reasons. "It first causes your blood sugar levels to rise. It also makes your body less sensitive to insulin. Third, it makes your whole body more prone to inflammation.

Cancer Risk Is Increased by Abdominal Fat Doctor Mitchell claims, "In addition to breast and endometrial cancers, excess abdominal obesity has also been linked to colon, rectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.