What Is The One And Only Sport Played On The Moon?

It was only a matter of time after humans first stepped foot on the moon before the novelty wore off and astronauts became weary of taking measurements and collecting rocks.

Alan Shepard, an astronaut, found the perfect solution when they needed a method to relax. He made the decision to take golf, one of his favorite pastimes back on Earth, to the moon.

Shepard put a six-iron (or at least the head of one) in the Apollo 14 spacecraft and cracked it open so he could take a few cuts and smash a few balls with less gravity interfering with his strokes than any golfer had ever experienced. 

 Golf is the first and only sport to have ever traveled to the Moon, according to CBS News, thanks to his strokes on the lunar driving range that were caught on video and aired across the globe. 

 Shepard's golf swings are unquestionably the most well-known golf swings in history, as noted by Astronomy.

Given that he had to contend with one-sixth the gravity (and no air) that regular Earth golfers do, how far could Shepard hit the golf balls? According to Shepard, his second shot in particular went "miles and miles."